Saturday, October 17, 2009

STAMPTOBERFEST 2009!!!!!!!!!

If you like stamping and challenges, Stamptoberfest is the place for you. Every year ladies from the Stamping board of Two Peas in a Bucket host a super fun week of stamping related challenges. Click HERE to go to the Master Thread, you'll find lots of great challenges.

I'm hosting one: Paper Pieced Those Stamps "Instead of coloring the stamp images with markers, pencils, etc. use pieces of paper to give them color"

Here is my sample:

Have a great Saturday!!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Piensa Scrap...Up Close and Personal and a HUGE THANK YOU!!!!!

PIENSA SCRAP , is a blog I found thru another blogger; as soon as I entered there I felt "the energy". They have an awesome challenge, it was kind of hard for me... "Masculine vs Femenine" , the challenge was to use girly things on a boyish layout. I don't know what these "guys" are going to say when I show them the layout I created. :)

PIENSA SCRAP , es un blog que encontre atraves de otro blog; en el momento en que entre pude sentir "la energia". Estas chicas pusieron un reto muy padre, fue un poco dificil para mi... se trata de "Masculino vs Femenino". el reto era de usar cositas de ninas en una p
agina para ninos. No se lo que van a decir estos "chicos" cuando les ensene la pagina que hize :)

Gracias PIENSA SCRAP!!!!

"Up Close and Personal"

"De Cerquita y Personal"

This layout was created for a Creative Twist challenge. We had to make a layout using a close up picture, it was the perfect opportunity to scrap this cute picture of Seth.

Hize esta pagina para un reto en Creative Twist . Teniamos que usar una foto tomada de cerca, me cayo perfecto para 'scrappear' esta foto tan bonita de Seth.

Thanks Creative Twist.


In another note:


I know some of you know DIANA , she is one of my best cyber friends, i met her when I joined a fabulous group I found on Two Peas , check her blor by clicking on her name, she is super talented!!!!

She has given me the Hones Award


Se que algunas de ustedesconocen a DIANA ,ella es una de mis mejores amigas ciberneticas, la conoci cuando me uni a un grupo fabuloso que encontre en Two Peas , Diana es super talentosa, visiten su blog y veran, solo hagan "click" en su nombre.
Ella me ha dado el premio Honest Award.

Here is how it works....
*Say thank you and give a link to the presenter of the award.
*Share “10 Honest Things” about myself.
*Present the award to 9 other bloggers whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design or to those who have encouraged me.
*Be sure to tell the 9 bloggers chosen that you are giving them the Honest Scrap award and provide the guidelines for them.

Asi es como funciona...
* Da las gracias y provee el link al blog de la que te dio el premio.
* Comparte -10 aspectos honestos- acerca de ti.
* Da el premio a 9 "bloggeras" cuyos blogs encuentres brillantes en contenido y/o diseno o que te han motivado.
* Asegurate de hacerles saber a las otras que les has dado el premio y dales la guia a seguir.

Here, my 10 honest things:

  1. I know that God and Jesuschrist live,
  2. I love my etenal companion, Danny.
  3. Seth my son is a gift from God.
  4. I always find support and love in my Mom, my 3 Sisters and 1 brother...and... my sweet niece Samantha.
  5. I want to have at least one more child.
  6. Church is a great part of my life.
  7. I honestly find so hard to loose weight... (see next thing)
  8. I love kit kats
  9. I don't like dresses... for church I wear skirts, never a dress :)
  10. I love taking a nice looong nap during the day!!!! (when I can)
Estas son mi 10 honestidades:

  1. Yo se que Dios y Jesucristo viven.
  2. Amo a mi companero eterno Danny.
  3. Seth mi hijo, es un regalo de Dios.
  4. Siempre encuentro apoyo y amor en mi Mami, mis 3 Hermanas, 1 Hermano...y... my hermosa sobrina Samantha.
  5. Quiero tener por lo menos otro hijo mas.
  6. La iglesia forma una gran parte de mi vida.
  7. Honestamente pienso que bajar de peso es muy dificil... (por la siguiente razon)
  8. Me fascinan los chocolates Kit Kats
  9. No me gustan los vestidos, para la ilgesia uso faldas... nunca vestidos.
  10. Me encanta tomar ricas y largas siestas en el dia!!!! (cuando puedo)

Now, I'd like to present this blog award to these bloggers... they rock!!!!

Ahora, me gustaria pasar el premio a estas "bloggeadoras"... they rock!!!!


Thank You for visiting my blog!!!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Two Challenges
Dos Retos

I have in my list of favorites, some awesome links to blogs, most of them have great challenges. Today I'm posting 2 cards I made based on sketches provided by 2 of those blogs.

En mi lista de favorites, tengo muchos blogs muy padres, la mayoria de ellos con retos. Hoy estoy mostrandoles 2 tarjetas que hize basadas en 2 esquemas proveidos por dos de esos blogs.

The first card was based on a sketch from Get Sketchy


"Butterfly card"
"Tarjeta con Mariposa"

I LOVE butterflies, and I love how this litte one looks. It's is made with 2 flowers, E-beads and wire.

Me encantan las mariposas, y me encanta como se mira esta. Esta hecha con 2 flores, piedreria tamano "E" y alambre.

This one was made for Reto Latino

Reto Latino # 24

"Enjoy The Little Things"
"Disfruta las pequenas cosas"

I've been practicing my coloring :) as I said in my last post, I have a lot to learn from this technique.
Isn't this stamp so cute?

He estado practicando con mis colores :) como les dije en my post pasado, tengo muchisimo que aprender de esta tecnica.
Apoco no esta bien bonita esta estampa?

Thank You for your always kind comments :) !!

Muchas Gracias por sus mensajes tan bonitos como siempre :) !!

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Inky Impressions #17 challenge.

I bought 2 beautiful stamps from Inky Impressions . Today I finally got to use one if them. I was so happy with the quality of the stamped image.

Here is my take on the challenge:

I have lots to learn about coloring, but I'm kind of happy with how this turned out...well except the picture... I took TONS but this one was the most descent.

Thanks for looking!!!!