Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 10-11 One Weekend 2 Shots.

Saturday July 10. We went to buy fruit and vegetables at the local farmers market.
The basket where we put the fruits looks so pretty and colorful.
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Sábado 10 de Julio. Fuimos a comprar fruta y verduras al mercado local.
La canasta en donde ponemos la fruta se ve muy bonita y llena de color.


Sunday July 11. It was around 102°F outside, when we were getting ready to go home after church. I was thinking of 2 things: 1. We need to wash the car and 2. I wished the temperature inside the car was at least 80°F.
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Doming 11 de Julio.  Estaba alrededor de los 39°C afuera, cuando estabamos listos para regresar a la casa des pués de la iglesia.  Pensé 2 cosas: 1. Necesitamos lavar el carro. 2. Como deseé que la temperatura adentro del carro estuviera por lo  menos en los 27°C.

1 comment:

Dedra Long said...

Love the photos Tere! You have a beautiful family and here is to wishing for rain!!!!
