Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bunch of different things...
Un montón de cosas diferentes...

I missed posting my "One Weekend 2 Shots" and "Cool Link Monday" Plus I have to post my winner for Scrap Our Stash Blog Hop... Lets start with  a card I made for Bo Bunny.

Se me pasó subir mis entradas de "One Week w shots" y  "Cool Link Monday". Además de publicar a la ganadora del Blog Hop de Scrap Our Stash...
Vamos a empezar con  una tarjeta que hize para Bo Bunny.

I have some scraps from projects I recently made using Bo Bunny Papers. And, because I don't like to throw anything away, I decided to make a paper piecing card for the challenge.

Tengo unos retazos de papel que me sobraron de unos proyectos que hize usando productos Bo Bunny. Y, como no me gusta tirar nada, decidí hacer una tarjeta "paper piecing" para el reto

Here is the sketch:

And my card:

"Happy Birthday"

Everything but the blue cardstock background is Bo Bunny papers from different collections.

Con excepción del cardstock azul de fondo, todo el material que utilízé es de varias colecciones de Bo Bunny.

The patterns for the cute birds are from Treasure Box Designs. Aren't they so cute?
Los moldes para los pajaritos son de Treasure Box Desigs. ¿No están bie chulos?

Now, for the winner of Scrap Our Stash blog Hop.
It was a success, the DT did an impressive job, and I'm so thankful for all the comments we all got, and the new followers to Scrap Our Stash.

And the winner is.....

Faye Marie!!!!
Faye, I'll be contacting you!!!!!


These are my pictures for this past weekend.

Éstas son mis fotos del fin de semana pasado.

Saturday July 24

"Fresh salad" is what my husband was craving Saturday night. It was so refreshing and delicious.

"Una Ensalada Fresca" es lo que se le antojó a mi esposo el sábado en la noche. Estuvo deliciosa y refrescante.

Sunday July 25
We celebrated Dori´s 18th birthday...yes... She is 18... I know,   she looks like 13!!!. Next month she´ll be leaving to Colorado State University... I´m going to miss this young lady a lot... she is the daughter of one of my best friends!

Celebramos el cumpleaños número 18 de Dori... asi es... tiene 18... yo se,  parece de 13!!!! El mes que entra se va a la universidad. Va a Colorado State University... como voy a extrañar a esta muchachita... es la hija de una de mis  mejores amigas!!!

Cool Links Monday...

I owe you this one for next time... sorry... oh wait!!!... I have at least one.

Les debo ésta para la próxima... lo siento... wait!!!! Tengo aunque sea una.

There you´ll find the list of all the CHA Sneak Peeks from your favorite Scrapbook Companies!

Ahí encontrarán una lista de todos los sneak peeks en CHA de sus compañias favoritas de scrapbook!

Now... see you soon!!!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


If you didn't come here from Scrap our Stash blog, you need to go there, because it's where the fun starts!!!.
Plus you'll find there all the instructions you need for this fun blog hop!

You should be coming from Christy's blog

For this blog hop, I prepared a tutorial to make this picture frame:

Let's Start...

- Unfinished picture frame.
- Acrylic paints. I used cream and gold.
- Coffee filters.
- Needle and thread.
- Circle punch (optional)
- Liquid glue. I love Glossy Accents.
- Dew Drops
- Mists
- Bling

1. Paint the picture frame. I used 2 colors; cream as base and  gold to give it a nice finish. Let it dry completely, mean while you can work on the flowers.



2. These are the coffee filters we'll use. In the second picture; you can see the kind of cuts we need to make. It is optional if you want to make those wavy cuts, they can be straight.

3. These are the cuts we'll use to make the flowers.

4. The strips will look like this when you open them.

5. Make a running stitch on the bottom of each strip and pull it tight to gather together. It's like making a yo-yo flower but with paper.
The second picture shows you how it looks like at the end.
It's not looking pretty ...yet... just wait.


6. You need to make 3 yo-yos for each flower.
Cut a circle, 1" approx. and glue down the first yo-yo.

Still no pretty enough uh?

7. Glue down the other 2 yo-yos. After they are completely dried, crunch them a little bit, or a lot, depending on how you like them.

They are looking better...


8. Using your favorite mists ( I used my own, you can find a post about them HERE! ), mist the flowers, I used a pretty red color, you know? a Christmas color.


9. To make them more Christmas looking, I added some Dew Drops, again, I used some I made. You'll find the tutorial HERE!

Now they do look pretty.. what did I tell you?

10. From the coffee filters left overs, I hand cut some leaves and misted them green.

Get the dried frame, some bling from your stash and with your flowers and leaves, you are ready to decorate the frame.

11. Add a cute picture, like this one of my friend's daughter,  and you'll have a beautiful decoration for this coming Christmas!!!

As a thank you for participating and visiting my blog... I'll be giving away a $ 20.00 Gift Certificate from Two Peas to a lucky person.

a). Just leave me comment

b). Become a follower of my blog

 ... that's all you need to do!!!!

NOW... to continue the fun you need:

1. My secret word, which is: ITS

2. Hop to the next stop which is the blog of: Ren Yi!

The BLOG HOP ENDS on SUNDAY 7/25 at 6PM. I will choose a random winner on Monday 7/26

Thank You so much for participating... and happy hopping!!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sneak Peek 3... Kiki Art...

Miren este Santa!!!!!
Para todas aquellas que viven donde la época navideña es todo calor, arena y playa... o para las que salen de vacaciones a la playa durante navidad para escapar de la nieve... ésta colección de Kiki Art,  Christmas Beach es para ustedes!!!!!

Check this Santa out!!!!!!

for all you you who live in places where Christmas Season is all about hot, and sandy beaches... for for all of you who like to visit the beach scraping from the cold snowy winter... this Kiki Art´s collection, Christmas Beach is for you!!!!!!

No puedo esperar para que salgan ya a la venta. Recuerden contactar a sus tiendas locales para pedirles que vendan productos Kiki Art... Kiki misma está trabajando muy duro para poder traer éstos bellos papeles y nuevas colecciones a muchas partes, queremos que todas las seguidoras de Kiki Art, tengan los productos de una manera accesible!

I can't wait for these new collections to go out to the public.
Remember to call or contact your LSS and ask  for Kiki Art products.
Kiki herself is working extra time to bring these gorgeous collections close to you.
We want all the products to be more accessible to you all!

Visita el blog personal de Kiki, tiene varias imagenes gratis,  una de cada de las colecciones que estará lanzando!  Haz click AQUI!

Visit Kiki{s personal blog. she has posted some free images, one for each new colection!
Click HERE!

Sneak Peek 2 Kiki Art!!!!!!

Firefighter and Friends Collection.  I love this one...is sooooo cuuuteeeee!!!!!!

Think Halloween... think costumes... think cuteness!!!!

The backgrounds on the images are also sneak peeks of the papers AND... AND... did I forget to mention yesterday that the new Kiki Art collections, can be use with Zutter’s DreamKuts machine? Well, they do; isn't this totally awesome?

Piensen halloween... piensen disfraces... piensen ternura!!!!
Los fondos de las imágenes son también probaditas de lo que serán los diseños de los papeles Y... Y... se me pasó decirles ayer que las nuevas colecciones de Kiki Art, se pueden usar con la maquina DreamKuts de Zutter’s ? Bueno... pues es verdad!!!   ¿No es ésto genial?

Remember... more sneaks peeks tomorrow... AND I will be participating in a Blog Hop, for Scrap our stash starting this Thursday... you don´t want to miss it!

Recuerden... mas sneal peeks mañana... ADEMAS, estaré participando en un blog hop con Scrap our Stash,  todo comienza el jueves... no se lo pueden perder!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Me gustan mucho éstos días... y no me refiero a los días calurosos casi insoportables de Arizona; me refiero a los días de sneak peeks que preceden a cada CHA!!!!
Kiki Art, estará lanzando 2 colecciones éste verano. Hoy les presento una probadita de la primera, PARTY ANIMAL. 
Ésta colección está llena de preciosos animalitos. Las imágenes de los animales, estarán en tarjetas, stickers y chipboard. Y los colores, alegres... llenos de vida!!!
Para ver más imágenes, pasen al blog de Caro, Lida , Dessy y Olga; ellas tienen otras diferentes.

I love these days, and I´m not talking about the extremely and almost unbearable hot
 days in Arizona; I'm talking about the days prior to CHA!!
Kiki Art, has 2 new releases this summer. Today, I have a sneak peek of the first collection, PARTY ANIMAL.
This sollection is full of cute animals. The images will be on cards, stickers and chipboard. The colors are cheerful... full of live!!!
To see more images, visit the blogs of the DT, here is the link to the English blog, on the left sidebar you´ll find the complete list of the DT girls

Mañana más sneak peeks!!!!

More sneak peeks tomorrow!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Cool Links Monday. July 19

Hello! I almost didn't get to post today.  My husband was using the computer all morning and part of the afternoon, I sooo need my own hehehe!!!!

Hola! ya casi no subía la entrada de hoy. Mi esposo estuvo usando la computadora toda la mañana y parte del medio día, como necesito tener mi propia jajaja!!!

1. Fabric and Felt Mini Album.
    Mini Album de Tela y fieltro.

Isn't this so cute?. I love the colors She used and the beautiful flower!!

¿Apoco no está bella?  Esos colores que  usó los adoro y la flor tan hermosa!!!!

2.Sneak Peeks and Give Aways!

Beautiful sneak peek almost everyday and the give aways are AWESOME!!!!

Fabulosos sneak peeks casi todos los días, y los regalos están padrísimos!!!!

3. Time to Scrapbook... an e-book!!

I just got this book and is awesome.

Featuring the Most Influential Scrapbookers of 2010—Cathy Zielske, Jenni Bowlin, Jessica Sprague, Maggie Holmes, Margie Romney-Aslett, Noell Hyman, Renee Pearson, Shimelle Laine, and Stacy Julian—this eBook is packed with helpful tips and gorgeous layouts. Take the time to make the time! Because your memories matter.

Acabo de comprar éste libro electrónico y está padrisimo.

Con 10 de las scrapbookeras más influyentes del 2010—Cathy Zielske, Jenni Bowlin, Jessica Sprague, Maggie Holmes, Margie Romney-Aslett, Noell Hyman, Renee Pearson, Shimelle Laine, and Stacy Julian— éste libro electrónico esta lleno de consejos útiles y diseños magníficos. Tomate el tiempo  para hacer del tiempo lo mejor!  Por que los recuerdos son importantes.

4. Crochet Flowers.
   Flores Tejidas.

5. Button Flowers.
   Flores de Botones

Stay tuned, because soon, I'll be posting sneak peeks of Kiki Art's new collections. You are going to love them!!!!!

Estén al pendiente, ya que pronto les mostraré sneak peeks de las nuevas colecciones de Kiki Art!!!
Les van a encantar!!!!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

One Weekend 2 Shots... Week Four, July 17-18.

Saturday July 17th. "At the Park"
We went to the park in the morning.  Danny helped Seth conquer the "hard" monkey bars. I love the expression of my son in this picture.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fuimos al parque en la mañana. Danny le ayudó a Seth a conquistar las barras "más difíciles". Me encanta la expresión de mi hijo en ésta foto.

Sunday 18th. "Good News"
I love when the Sunday paper has "this kind of good news". Kids eat free and free sub? I got love Quiznos!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Me gusta mucho cuando el periódico de los domingos trae éste tipo de "buenas noticias". ¿Los niños no pagan y sandwiches gratis? ¡Como me encanta Quiznos!

Friday, July 16, 2010

I've Been Crafty!
¡He Estado Creativa!

I always say that Scrapbooking helps me deal with my depression problems. These pasts days, I've been feeling a little down.
Only this time scrapbooking wasn't helping me. Of course I also read, pray, watch TV, talk with my sweet husband; but, I need to do more than that you know?... I need some -hands on- kind of things.
Searching the web, I found an awesome blog, full of tutorials; non-scrapbooking-tutorials...and I loved it!!!
Believe me, you need to check it out!  Just Another Day In Paradise , She has an awesome tutorial for a necklace, made out of rolled fabric flowers, the same kind of flowers I've shown you in some of my Cool Links Mondays.

Siempre digo que scrapbooking me ayuda a lidear con mis problemas de depresión.  Durante éstos días pasados, me he sentido un poco decaida.
Ésta vez scrapbooking no me estaba ayudando. Por supuesto que leo, oro, miro TV, platico con mi amorose esposo; but,  necesito hacer más que eso, ¿me explico?... necesito algo como -manos a la obra- ó ese tipo de cosas. Navegando en la red encontré un blog buenísimo, lleno de tutoriales; tutoriales no sobre scrapbooking... y me encantó!
Creanme,  ¡necesitan entrar a verlo!  Just Another Day In Paradise , ella tiene un super tutorial para un collar, hecho de flores de tela enrollada, de esas mismas flores que les he enseñado en algunos de mis Cool Links Mondays

Here it is, my very first fabric necklace, the one that helped me getting out of my depressive days! I used a shirt I was going to throw away because it had a stain.

Aquí lo tienen, mi  primer collar hecho de tela, el que me ayudó a salir de mis días depresivos!  Usé una blusa que hiba a tirar por que tenía una mancha.

Now... I need a new white shirt to use my pretty necklace! :)

Ahora... necesito una playera blanca para poder usar mi hermoso collar! :)

Also... and I love this too!!!!
I made 10 homemade mists... if you haven't tried it... be careful, it is addictive hahaha!  I made 10 and now I want to  make more!!!! 
I didn´t prepare a tutorial because the web and specially YouTube is full of them. I'm just going to share with you some pictures

Aparte...  y esto me encanta también!!!! 
Hize 10 mists caseros... si no lo has tratado... ojo, es adictivo. ¡¡¡Hize 10 y ya quiero hacer más!!!
No preparé un tutorial por que la red y YouTube especialmente están llenos de tutoriales.  Solo les voy a compartir algunas fotos.

Materials           Materiales

I named the colors after the ink color I used.

Los nombres que les puse son de acuerdo al color de pintura que usé.

Here I Use them on flowers made out of coffee filters.

Aquí los usé en flores hechas de filtros para café.

If it wasn't to hot outside (112° for today Friday 16), I would go to the store to buy more spray bottles to make more!
I do recommend the Tim Holtz brand thou, they are made for this kind of mists, but also a little bit more expensive. I got these ones because I was experimenting, but now that I know it works, I may invest in the others.

Si no estuviera tan caliente hayá afuera (46° para hoy viernes 16), hiría a la tienda a comprar más botellitas para hacer más!
Aunque les recomiendo más las marca Tim Holtz, por que están hechas para éste tipo de mists, pero también son un poco más caras. Yo usé éstas por que solo estaba experimentando, pero ahora que se que si funciona, quizá invierta en las otras.

Hope you found this post useful...Thanks for visiting me!

Espero que éste post les pareció útil... ¡Gracias por visitarme!