Wednesday, October 27, 2010


It's been quite a while since I have participated on a challenge.  This morning, I remembered today was the last day for the famous Bo Bunny's challenge Card Challenge Tuesday.
I got some cute papers from the Halloween line Whoo-Ligans last week. They are soooo cute... let me show you the cards I made.

Supplies:  Cardstock, Bazzill; Patterned Papers, cut outs, stickers, ribbon: Bo Bunny; Other: Black Twine, googly eyes.

I also made this other card, with the help of my son... and according to him, this is the coolest one! :)  He says, it reminds him of he and his friends on Halloween night...!!! 

Supplies. Patterned papers, cut outs, ribbon, Bo Bunny, Staples: Tim Holtz; Other: Black twine, googly eyes

He wanted me to take close-up picture of all the little characters. We took more... actually he took more, but these are the only ones that came out good.

It was so much fun working with this fun line... I'm soo ready to go Trick or Treating now!!!!

Thanks for stopping by...


1 Ytzia A. Gómez said...

Que lindo te ha quedado... la verdad son una ternura esas monitos.


2 Bricela said...

estan preciosas y los moustritos super tiernos

3 Maria Elena said...

Wow tiempo sin venir por aqui.. de las bellezas q me he perdido por andar full ocupadita con mi vista !
Esto esta muy bello amiga !

4 all the days of our life said...

Holla Teresita, hace much tiempo que no te visito. These are adorable, those little monsters are too cute.

Creo que a esta hora estaras almorsando con Wanda, per la pasen bonito.